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Author: Meetal

Visitors Comments

Visitors Comments

“God has blessed your hands and eyes to keep alive the story of his chosen people and by doing so, shined light in the face of others for generations to come so that they may see and understand” – Jeff Andonian

“What a privilege to see such wonderful art ” … Barbara Franklin

“Your eyes, your hands, your thoughts have been touched by grace and beauty “…. Alan and Hope Levine

“What an inspiration” … Carol Levine

“Wonderful exhibition “… Rachel Frank

“Truly amazing! Incredible! So happy to see this amazing exhibit” …. Reuben and Renee Levitt

“An amazing legacy for all your children , grand-children and generations to come” ….
Karen Glanger

…. “Moving, powerful” … Cindy Schneidler

“very moving, may we remember always” ….Pat and Klaus

“I feel different after this experience, thank you” …. Israel Raminez

“We have been blessed to have been able to share your most sacred , precious memories with us through your paintings. We have walked with you through the past, and now we walk hand in hand with you in the present and the future. We will never be the same again” … Garry and Ethel Feller

…” thought provoking, yet beautiful” … Cheryl and Sherwin Coplin

“thank you for telling a story – no in just words – but in pictures and illustrations. Sheer emotion conveyed by the subconscious mind! That made it beautiful “….. Susan Bin

“Loved seeing your beautiful and emotional. … moving and stirring in my heart – and so very personal. Also, loved historic photographs and video” … Robin Sach

This link is a short interview with Julie Meetal with the Fort Worth Star

Second Generation Survivors